If we were committed to reaching the world for Christ:
1. We’d regularly invite people into our small groups and include them in our circles of friendship.
2. We’d be living a 52Thrive Lifestyle.
3. We’d come to church each and every week looking for ways to give and serve.
4. We’d regularly encourage those who volunteer to serve in church ministries because we’d know what they do matters intensely to God and the kingdom.
5. We’d scan our church foyer for newcomers, introduce ourselves to them, and do everything in our power to make them feel welcome and special.
6. We’d regularly invite new people into our Small Groups, our friendship circles, and our homes.
7. We’d make a point of sharing what we’re learning about following Jesus with other believers.
8. We would pray for the church and its leaders regularly.
9. We would believe the church is not for us, because we are the church and the church is for the world.
10. We’d gear the bulk of our worship music to suit the tastes of the growing edge of the church: Younger families.
11. We would give regularly, generously and sacrificially to the ministry of the church so we can reach more and more people.
12. We’d pray for the lost people around us and re-arrange our lives to love them better.
13. We’d ache inside every single day at the thought of people perishing without Christ.
14. We’d…. what would you add to the list?
Keep seeking the deep deep love of the Lord for if we are not truly touched by it we cannot and will not want to share what we know nothing of.
I pray we all spend time today in the sacred moment of prayer for the lonely lost and forgotten.
As we give thanks may we have a grateful heart for we are richly blessed people.
We would stop making mountains out mole hills and remember that people are heading to a Christless eternity unless they receive the Good News of salvation.
Well put. No wiggle room there!
We’d remember the people who are regulars in the church and pray for them as well – They help make the church a community