Oh man, oh man.
The book I’ve worked nine years on has finally been finished. As in, it’s ready to order! NINE YEARS! Well actually, I tried to write it for eight years, and it always fell flat. Then last Christmas I scrapped eight years of work — all of it — cause God told me to — and started over, writing it as a parable.
It clicked. It flowed. I love it. And I think you will too.
See, it’s not just a book. It’s my heart on paper. My journey. My soul. It’s my life message. A life message is the one thing I’d like to be remembered for if I had to choose just one thing. And this is it, hands down.
The truths in the book have the power to change lives. To change yours. Presumptuous? Naw. It’s based on the word of God!
If you’ve ever felt far away from God, like you’re always failing; if you’re thirsty for him and empty and pining for his presence; if you’re tired of striving and seeking and fighting your way through the Christian life; if you want to find a new, living way — which is really just the Way opened up to us through Jesus’ death and resurrection — a way of trusting and loving and enjoying and reigning — then this book is for you.
I used to be sheepish about promoting stuff I’ve written. But the reason I wrote it is to be faithful to God. Because it’s true. Because I believe with every fibre of my being that God wants to use it to change many lives. That it’s the capstone of my whole website. Why would I be sheepish about that? Go ahead, click on the links to the right and see what I mean.
Thanks for listening to my ranting.
Oh God, I leave it in your hands — and will do with mine what you want me to do. In the beautiful Name of Jesus, Amen.